This is a tutorial on how to become certified as a PMP®. It is delivered by a master of the PMP® certification Mr. Sohel Akhter. This is a must for anyone who is serious about becoming certified as a PMP.
CCCure in collaboration with our resident expert Sohel Akhter is proud to welcome you to our seminar on how to become a PMP. Do not miss it. Sohel is a master of the PMP certification and he will guide you on your certification quest.
Here is a great document from the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) council on Penetration Testing. It is directly applicable to the new CBK coming our on tthe 15th April 2015. I highly recommend to read this to help you with the exam.
A great article from Sophos Naked Security Blog. It is a must read to understand, yet another SSL vulnerability. You will also see why learning a bit more about crypto is necessary to understand such attack. It does bring the knowledge you learned in the Cryptography domain to good use.
This page has Peter's godzilla crypto tutorial, totalling 973 slides in 12 parts, of which the first 10 (+ part 0) are the tutorial itself and the 12th is extra material which covers crypto politics. Part 12 isn't officially part of the technical tutorial itself.
By having threat intelligence collected without any impact on production infrastructure, CERTs can better defend their constituencies assets. Honeypots are powerful tools that can be used to achieve this goal.